Foundation Initiatives
The Oklahoma Access to Justice Foundation works with partners across the state to expand existing efforts and create new ones, trying to further the goal of Access to Justice for everyone. This work is informed by the ATJ Foundation's four core values:
Collaboration - We collaborate through proactively working with others, including sharing resources and ideas, to achieve common goals and accomplish our mission.
Accessibility - We believe justice is accessible when all people can understand, navigate, and interact with the justice system without physical or systemic barriers and regardless of financial resources.
Innovation - We innovate by challenging a status quo that leaves 80% of civil legal needs unaddressed and seeking change for the better, while recognizing that change must be equitable and useful.
Empowerment - We empower by enabling people to stand up for themselves, educating them about their power and voice, and providing the tools to enact those principles, while making needed reforms to systems so individuals and advocates can fully realize that power.
pro bono portal
Find a pro bono opportunity that fits your interests, skills and schedule at
Legal Services Network of Oklahoma
The ATJ Foundation also launched the Legal Services Network of Oklahoma in 2021, providing opportunities for service providers across the state to connect, share information, and find ways to collaborate.
housing justice
In Summer 2022, the ATJ Foundation authored a report on eviction courts across Oklahoma, with recommendations for improvement for better serving pro se litigants. You can read the report below, or linked here.
With Housing Solutions Tulsa, the ATJ Foundation helped lead interim studies for the Oklahoma House of Representatives on needed updates to the Oklahoma Residential Landlord and Tenant Act in both 2021 and 2022. Thanks to this advocacy, critical legislation was passed in both the 2022 and 2023 sessions to implement some of these important changes.
Supported by a federal Housing Stability grant, and in partnership with Legal Link, the ATJ Foundation created the Oklahoma Community Justice Network (OCJN) in 2023 to train front-line social services partners in Legal First Aid - strengthening their ability to identify legal issues, surface unmet legal needs, and access legal protections and resources for those they serve. OCJN empowers Oklahomans to interact with the civil justice system more effectively, confidently, and with fairer outcomes.
In partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Libraries, the ATJ Foundation developed easy-to-understand legal infographics and training materials for library staff, recognizing that public libraries are a critical community resource for many Oklahomans with questions about their legal needs. These materials were piloted in the first quarter of 2022, and are now available statewide in both English and Spanish. You can access all of the resources HERE.
access to divorce rESEARCH
In Summer 2023, the ATJ Foundation conducted a research and advocacy study examining debt collection lawsuits across Oklahoma. With data analysis from the Legal Services Corporation and input and expertise from The Pew Charitable Trusts, this study combined quantifiable court data with court observations and interviews to highlight inequities in how debt collection lawsuits are adjudicated and offer data‑informed solutions that can better support unrepresented and low-income Oklahomans. You can read the report below, or download it at this link.
We also proudly offer these annual programs to bring together access to justice advocates and partners across the state.
Access to Justice Summit
This past year's topics included rural legal access, pro bono, procedural fairness for unrepresented litigants, online dispute resolution, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession, and more. Thanks to our generous sponsors, this programming -- including up to 8 hours of CLE credit (2 hour ethics) -- was available at no cost!
Thank You to Our Sponsors
Visionaries of Justice
Riggs Abney Neal Turpen Orbison & Lewis
Chickasaw Nation
Champions of Justice
OBA Estate Planning, Probate & Trust Section
Oklahoma Bar Foundation
Friends of Justice
Crowe & Dunlevy
OBA Appellate Section
Eric Eissenstat
Whitten Burrage
Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.
For more information on our previous and upcoming Access to Justice Summits click HERE.
Pro Bono Challenge
An annual challenge between law firms of all sizes over who can complete the most pro bono hours during the summer. The winners were recognized at the 2023 Access to Justice Summit, and we are proud to congratulate them.
Large Office
Crowe & Dunlevy
Medium Office
Steptoe & Johnson
Small Office
Sterling Oaks Law Firm
Solo Winner
Beatrize Martinez
For more information on past and future Pro Bono Challenges click HERE.